Create a Windows custom container

  1.  Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Choose Create a resource in the upper left-hand corner of the Azure portal.
  3. Under Popular services, select Create under Web App.
  4. In Create Web App, choose your subscription and a Resource Group. You can create a new resource group if needed.
  5. Provide an app name, such as win-container-demo. Choose Docker Container for Publish and Windows for Operating System. Select Next: Docker to continue.
6. For Image Source, choose Docker Hub and for Image and tag, enter the repository name you copied in Publish to Azure Container Registry.
7. If you have a custom image elsewhere for your web application, such as in Azure Container Registry or in any other private repository, you can configure it here. Select Review + Create to continue.

Verify all the details and then select Create and wait for Azure to create the required resources.
4 - Browse to the custom container
When the Azure operation is complete, a notification box is displayed.

1. Click Go to resource.
2. In the overview of this resource, follow the link next to URL.
A new browser page opens to the following page:

Wait a few minutes and try again, until you get the default ASP.NET home page:
Congratulations! You're running your first custom Windows container in Azure App Service.

5 - See container start-up logs
It may take some time for the Windows container to load. To see the progress, navigate to the following URL by replacing <app_name> with the name of your app.


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