Local Storage
Local storage is a form of web storage that stores data for a long time. This could be a day, a week, or even a year . This depends upon the developer’s preference. It is important to note that local storage only stores strings so, if you wish to store objects, lists, or arrays, you must convert them into a string using JSON.stringify().
Storing Data
In order to set data using local storage you simple use the setItem This function takes two string parameters. The first parameter is the name and the second parameter is the value to associate with that name. You can think of this very similar to a key value pair in a JSON object.
localStorage.setItem("day", "monday");
Just like that, you can store the key/value pair in this. You can not only store this strings. you can store the Javascript array or object as strings, let's see how -
// Storing Object
const usesInfo = {
name: "John",
age: 34,
localStorage.setItem("user-info", JSON.stringify(userInfo));
// Storing Array
const languages = ["Python", "React", "Javascript", "Go"];
localStorage.setItem("languages", JSON.stringify(languages));
The JSON.stringify() method converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string,
Read Data
In order to get data from local storage it is as easy as calling the getItem method. This method takes a single parameter which is the name of the key value pair and will return the value.
We are reading the data which we just add in the previous section
// Reading String
const name = localStorage.getItem("name");
// Reading Object
const userInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user-info"));
// Reading Array
const languages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("languages"));
The JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string
It returns null if it does not find that key
Removing Data
As like the previous examples removing data from local storage is as easy as calling a single method. This method is the removeItem method and takes a single parameter which is the name of the key value pair to remove.
Session Storage
Session storage is a popular choice when it comes to storing data on a browser. It enables developers to save and retrieve different values. Unlike local storage, session storage only keeps data for a particular session. The data is cleared once the user closes the browser window.
Storing Data
Session Storage works on the same concepts as the local storage. we just need to use sessionStorage object -
// Storing Key-Value Pairs
sessionStorage.setItem("day", "monday");
// Storing Object
const userInfo = {
name: "John",
age: 34,
sessionStorage.setItem("user-info", JSON.stringify(userInfo));
// Storing Array
const languages = ["Python", "React", "Javascript", "Go"];
sessionStorage.setItem("languages", JSON.stringify(languages));
Read Data
Reading data is also the same as the local storage.
// Reading String
const name = sessionStorage.getItem("name");
// Reading Object
const userInfo = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("user-info"));
// Reading Array
const languages = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("languages"));
Removing Data
Removing data is also the same as the local storage.
A cookie is usually a tiny text file stored in your web browser. A cookie was initially used to store information about the websites that you visit. But with the advances in technology, a cookie can track your web activities and retrieve your content preferences.
Storing Data
In order to store the data in cookies . You need to access the document.cookie object and set that to your cookie. To do this all you need to do is set document.cookie to a string where the name and value are separated by an equals sign.
document.cookie = "name=Smith";
This will create a cookie with the name name and the value Smith, but this cookie will be expired since the default expiration date is in the past. In order to set an expiration date manually we need to pass the expires key a UTC date value. We also need to make sure we separate the expires key from our name key with a semicolon ;.
document.cookie = `name=Smith; expires=${new Date(9999, 0, 1).toUTCString()}`;
This creates a cookie with an expiration date of 01/01/9999 which essentially is like creating a cookie that never expires.
Read Data
Cookies are a bit more difficult since there is no way to get an individual cookie. The only way to get cookies is to get all the cookies at once by accessing the document.cookie object.
const cookie = document.cookie; // "name=Smith; username=John";
it returns string as the default but as you know it is a little difficult to use it in our code so we can create an function which will take the cookies and returns as the object. Let's see how it will look in the code
// Covert String to Object
function cookiesToObject(cookie) {
var output = {};
cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/).forEach(function (pair) {
pair = pair.split(/\s*=\s*/);
output[pair[0]] = pair.splice(1).join("=");
return output;
// Getting Cookie Object
const cookieObject = cookiesToObject(document.cookie);
//Source - Stack Overflow
Removing Data
Cookies as usual are a bit more difficult. To remove a cookie you need to set the cookie again but give it a blank value and a past expiration date.
document.cookie = "name=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT";