What is the MEAN Stack ? | MEAN Stack | Explained

The MEAN stack is JavaScript-based framework for developing web applications. MEAN is named after MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node, the four key technologies that make up the layers of the stack.

  • MongoDB - document database
  • Express(.js) - Node.js web framework
  • Angular(.js) - a client-side JavaScript framework
  • Node(.js) - the premier JavaScript web server

There are variations to the MEAN stack such as MERN (replacing Angular.js with React.js) and MEVN (using Vue.js). The MEAN stack is one of the most popular technology concepts for building web applications.

MEAN Stack Architecture

The MEAN architecture is designed to make building web applications in JavaScript and handling JSON incredibly easy.

MEAN Stack Components

Angular.js Front End

At the very top of the MEAN stack is Angular.js, the self-styled “A JavaScript MVW Framework” (MVW stands for “Model View and Whatever”).

Angular.js allows you to extend your HTML tags with metadata in order to create dynamic, interactive web experiences much more powerfully than, say, building them yourself with static HTML and JavaScript (or jQuery).

Angular has all of the bells and whistles you’d expect from a front-end JavaScript framework, including form validation, localization, and communication with your back-end service.

Express.js and Node.js Server Tier

The next level down is Express.js, running on a Node.js server. Express.js calls itself a “fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js,” and that is indeed exactly what it is.

Express.js has powerful models for URL routing (matching an incoming URL with a server function), and handling HTTP requests and responses. By making XML HTTP requests (XHRs),r GETs, or POSTs from your Angular.js front end, you can connect to Express.js functions that power your application.

Those functions in turn use MongoDB’s Node.js drivers, either via callbacks or using Promises, to access and update data in your MongoDB database.

MongoDB Database Tier

If your application stores any data (user profiles, content, comments, uploads, events, etc.), then you’re going to want a database that’s just as easy to work with as Angular, Express, and Node.

That’s where MongoDB comes in: JSON documents created in your Angular.js front end can be sent to the Express.js server, where they can be processed and (assuming they’re valid) stored directly in MongoDB for later retrieval.

Again, if you want to easily get the best of MongoDB, you’ll want to look at MongoDB Atlas. This will allow you built-in full database security and cross-cloud scalability with the click of a button. More on that later on this page.




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