Create a separate assembly for MODEL in case of large and complex code to avoid any unwanted situation o
The model should include business logic, session maintenance, validation part, and data logic part.
VIEW should not contain any business logic and session maintenance, use ViewData to access data in View
Business logic and data access should never occur in ControllerViewData
The controller should only be responsible for preparing and return a view, calling model, redirect to action, etc.
Delete Demo code from the application when you create it Delete AccountController
Use only specific view engine to create HTML markup from your view as it is the combination of HTML and the programming code.
ASP.NET MVC is an open source web development framework from Microsoft that provides a Model View Controller architecture. MVC offers an alternative to web forms for building web applications
The main issue with webForms is performance. MVC offer Easy and frictionless testability with Full control over your HTML & URLs
You need to remember that ASP .net MVC is NOT a replacement of ASP.Net web forms based applications
The approach of MVC app development must be decided based on the application requirements and features provided by ASP .net MVC to suit the specific development needs. MVC offers Highly maintainable applications by default
With you can't see design page preview like the .aspx page.
As a best practise, the model should include business logic, session maintenance, validation part, and data logic part.